Anime Challenge #6: Anime that never gets old

I’m not one to rewatch, reread, or replay anything unless I’m really really impressed with it. However, those that do make the cut either have extremely rich narratives or they’re comedies that have stood the test of time. Azumanga Daioh is over ten years old and it’s still just as hilarious today as it was back… Continue reading Anime Challenge #6: Anime that never gets old

Loving Anthy and Loving the Other

In my last post about Revolutionary Girl Utena, I compared Utena to Jesus Christ on the basis of her being an unexpected revolutionary who does, in a sense, break the system she challenges, but not in the way that the other characters (or the audience) expects. After reflecting on the series a bit more, I… Continue reading Loving Anthy and Loving the Other

Someday, Together: Revolutionary Girl Utena’s Already/Not Yet

I don’t know what it is with me and all these eschatological/shifting eras themes I keep running into, but they come at me harder than Nanami at Touga. Revolutionary Girl Utena is a classic anime series for a reason–actually many reasons because it’s so layered in symbolism that it swings the door wide open for… Continue reading Someday, Together: Revolutionary Girl Utena’s Already/Not Yet

Anime Challenge #5: Favorite Male Character

There may come a day when I will chill la chill about Kill la Kill, but today is not that day, although I’ve already written the bulk of what I have to say about the series, so besides my most recent post from a couple weeks ago, I’m not sure when I’ll write another deep… Continue reading Anime Challenge #5: Favorite Male Character

Anime Challenge #4: Saddest Anime Scene

A death scene is an obvious candidate for this kind of post, so that’ll be today’s focus. Death scenes don’t particularly affect me unless I’m completely blindsided and I really liked the character. For example, I sobbed uncontrollably at that one thing that happens in Mockingjay, but that is the first time ever that a… Continue reading Anime Challenge #4: Saddest Anime Scene

Kill la Eschaton: Partings and New Eras in Kill la Kill

This might be my last Kill la Kill post for a while, but who knows? I may catch even more things once I get the DVDs and rewatch it for the third time. I’ve found multiple examples of characters and plot elements in Kill la Kill aligning nicely with Christian theology or presenting interesting, perhaps… Continue reading Kill la Eschaton: Partings and New Eras in Kill la Kill

The Garnet #BlackLivesMatter Mural and the Power of Fictional Characters

During the Baltimore uprising, I made this post with some brief reactions I had at the time as well as a collection of articles for more in-depth reading. I reflected on how the kind of criticism I do on this blog is easy, in a sense, because narrowing down the broad topic of intersectionality to… Continue reading The Garnet #BlackLivesMatter Mural and the Power of Fictional Characters