My Promises to Reviewers

Every author needs reviews of their books, but relationships between authors and reviewers sometimes go sour. I’m grateful for the reviews I’ve received of my books and even though I haven’t had any personal drama with reviews, I wanted to clearly express my boundaries so that my reviewers and I have the best understanding of how to respect each other. Here are my promises to reviewers.

  1. I will not respond to your critical opinions of my books. You should feel comfortable saying you dislike my books without worrying that I will come after you.
  2. I will not engage with your reviews on Goodreads. Reviews are for readers, not for me to have dialogue.
  3. I will not pay you for reviews.
  4. I may like a post or briefly thank you if you tag me in a positive review or recommendation of my books.
  5. I may use excerpts of positive Goodreads and Amazon reviews to promote my books. Other than this, I won’t actively search for or read reviews.
  6. I will not name you in those promotions.
  7. I will not expect a positive review just because I gave you a review copy of a book.

In return, I ask this of my reviewers:

  1. Do not tag me in negative reviews or commentary of my books.
  2. Do not disguise personal attacks as valid criticism.
  3. Do not expect or ask for payment for reviews.

Let’s keep to these boundaries and have pleasant engagements!