Thanks, COVID-19: Ad-Hoc Solutions for the Sudden Shift to Online Learning

I don’t usually have a reason to talk about my day job on my author platforms, but over the past few days I’ve been seeing friends and acquaintances talk about how they suddenly have to shift to online learning, whether they’re teachers or students, thanks to coronavirus. Though the reason for the change is unwanted,… Continue reading Thanks, COVID-19: Ad-Hoc Solutions for the Sudden Shift to Online Learning

Why Writers Need to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

I’ve been sitting on making this post for a long time because there are a million ways to approach it and a million more things I want to say about it, but now I’ve finally got some coherent, focused thoughts. Although the finite details of a healthy lifestyle may look different for everyone, I think… Continue reading Why Writers Need to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Bullet Journaling: My Lazy Solution to Task Management

Around Christmas, my bubble of writer Twitter started buzzing with people talking about making 2019 bullet journals. I saw threads full of beautifully decorated notebooks, sticky notes, colors, and all sorts of other organizational tools. All of which I viscerally hate. Okay, hate is a strong word, but organizing with tabs, highlighters, labels–all that stuff… Continue reading Bullet Journaling: My Lazy Solution to Task Management

Why I’m Supporting #HamiltonElectors

Over the past couple days, I’ve been watching the #HamiltonElectors movement grow. If you haven’t heard of it yet, it’s an effort led by a group of actual electors to spread awareness of the Electoral College’s role in elections and to encourage GOP electors to consider voting for another Republican candidate such as John Kaisich… Continue reading Why I’m Supporting #HamiltonElectors

Interview with Jo Marshall, author of Twig Stories

­ Hey folks! Today we have the honor of hearing from author Jo Marshall about her book series Twig Stories. A few months ago, Jo asked if I would review her books and now here we are. I hope you enjoy her insights.  (Note: My comments/questions are in bold and Jo’s are in purple) Taylor,… Continue reading Interview with Jo Marshall, author of Twig Stories