Early Cringe Writing: My Awful Middle School Book Ch. 7

woman, burnout, multitasking

Today’s installment of my terrible middle school book is now a 30 minute TLC medical special. Who needs Grey’s Anatomy when you have this?

Chapter 7

I was asleep for three hours. Meanwhile the doctor was talking to our moms.


“Yes they all have hypothermia but don’t worry they’ll be fine if they are put in a really warm room.” The doctor said.

Who needs WebMD? This is the cure for hypothermia.

“Will they be in the same room?” Laurie’s mom asked.

“Yes they will.” The doctor said.

Laurie’s mom asking the important questions.

“Oh and I found a note taped on each girl’s back. It said: All of you deserve this. I warned you. I told you I would be plotting revenge on all of you!” The doctor turned one of the notes over. It was a bad test grade with Karen’s name on it.

Karen, you blew your cover!

“Do your girls know this Karen?” The doctor asked.

“Yes.” Kathy’s mom said.

“Well apparently whoever Karen is she’s obviously trying to kill your daughters.” The doctor said. 

Soraya Montenegro | Know Your Meme

After that our moms left very upset.

Three hours later when we all woke up we saw each other in the same room.

Roommates GIFs | Tenor

I really fixated on this idea of all of them being in the same room.

“What are you doing here?” Laurie asked.

“Same thing as you I guess.” I said.

“I feel like an icicle!” Julia exclaimed.

“You were almost turned into one.” Kathy stated.

“Why?” Jenna asked.

“Why did this have to happen to us?” Jenna asked.

All these other girls are making basic observations while Jenna is having an existential crisis.

“Because Karen tried to kill us.” I said.

“What makes you think that?” asked Julia.

“Well I kind of overheard our parents talking to the doctor and first of all we have hypothermia but we aren’t going to die. Second the doctor found notes that had Karen’s name on the back. Third we’re going to be staying in the same room until we get better.” I explained. They were speechless.

Wow, Haley. You’re brilliant for recapping everything the reader already learned five paragraphs ago.

Later we were put in a very warm room. It had a blazing fire on each wall and heating vents everywhere you looked.

I told you I was fixated on this big room concept.

“Doc? When do you think we can go back to school?” Jenna asked.

“In about three weeks.”

“What!” We all had said.

“So what are we supposed to do until then?” Jenna asked.

“Oh we’ll be running tests and recording your progress.”



“Well sure like testing if you’ve lost the feeling in your legs and helping you walk.”

Portal came out in 2007. I wrote this in 2001. We are not the same.

gif portal g GlaDOS portal 2 replayed this game today jabura •

“So you’re saying that we’re going to be treated like goobers for the next three weeks?” I asked.

“Yup!” The doctor said.

That’s it! We just end right there!

Well folks, this was certainly a chapter. Events happened and things were said. I’d be lying if I said the weirdness stopped in the next chapter, but you’ll have to stay tuned to find out.