From 2018 to 2019

I can hardly believe that I’ve had this blog for almost 10 years. Naturally, I’ve grown and changed a lot in that time and, as you might infer from my long hiatus, I’ve been focusing on changes in other aspects of my life. Simply put, I just don’t have the time or energy anymore to write those long pop culture analysis pieces that I used to post here pretty regularly. I have a few drafts sitting in my folder, but I look at them and think “Who really cares? Why am I spending my time on this instead of my fiction, which is where I want to take my career anyway?” Between that, my day job, maintaining a healthy, active life style, and life in general, my creative energy simply must go into my fiction.

I’m proud of the articles I’ve written over the years, even the cringey ones from early on. I won’t delete them, but I’ve closed comments on them. I greatly appreciate those of you who have said kind words about my thoughts, given me new angles to think of, and even took the time to send me a nice email with your compliments or a description of how my work has impacted you. It means a great deal to me to know that something I wrote had a positive impact on someone’s life. Nonfiction to me was always a platform-building tool–a way to simply get work out there and make connections.

But I’m ready to use this space more consistently to focus on my own creative output and works that directly inspire that output. I may post WIP updates or reflect on different writing techniques I’m trying or works I come across that in some way speak to my own work. I’m not entirely sure. Most certainly, I’ll be using this space for updates about upcoming published work (keep an eye out ;D).

This isn’t to say I’ll never return to the sort of nonfiction analysis that largely populates this blog. If something intrigues me so much that I feel the need to pick it apart with words, I’ll absolutely do so! In fact, I have an idea for such a post brewing now. But I can no longer attempt to do that with every piece of media I consume and I do want to connect those writings more with how they inspire me or relate to my creativity. So I need a bit of closure between my old posts here and new posts to come. As I said before, my old work isn’t going anywhere, but my way forward is a different direction.

Thanks to all of you that have followed me over the years and enjoyed my writing thus far. Your support means a lot to me and I hope you’ll stick with me as I open up more about who I am as an artist.

Happy 2019!