May Updates–Instagram, Podcast Announcement, New Content

I’m coming out of another quiet period and being more intentional about planning consistent content on here. I have dozens of reasons for my break, but over the past couple weeks, I’ve been planning and drafting new series and single posts! I’m excited to share them with you, but for now I have several updates.

I’m on Instagram @taylorrama

That’s right, I finally caved and got Instagram. I’d resisted for so long, but I made an account back in December and guess what? I LOVE IT. I’ve been posting:

  • book thoughts: every time I finish a book, I post the cover and share a couple paragraphs.
  • writing samples and excerpts: during Lent, I posted some poems from Forgive Us Our Trespasses and I’ll post other writings as well.
  • misc. announcements, some selfies, and other Instagram-like content.

Follow me, if you’re ever so inclined!

Encuentros Latinxs Podcast

One of my reasons for being busy is my involvement in a UCC LGBTQ Latinx ministry called Proyecto de Gracia y Bienvenida. I’ve written a couple reflection pieces for the website, which I’ll link below, and served as the editor for two workshop toolkits we developed that focus on LGBTQ+ inclusion and dismantling racism in churches.

My biggest project with this ministry, however, is creating the Encuentros Latinxs podcast. This podcast shares stories of spirituality, culture, and identity from Latinx perspectives. We’re all about good conversations and honest truths. Our first episode is live and we plan on releasing new episodes once a month!

I was on the radio

At the end of April, I got a five minute radio spot on Chat and Spin Radio, a UK station that plays a variety of music and interviews tons of authors. You can listen to my interview here; it starts at 1:32:00. Hear me say a bit about my books and blackout/erasure poetry!

New content for this blog

I’ve delved deeper into the author and reader community lately, especially on YouTube. Alexa Donne and Meg LaTorre (iWriterly) have some amazingly helpful author content, and Merphy Napier has fantastic reader content. I highly recommend all of their channels. Thanks to my voracious marathoning of their content, I’ve changed my thinking around what types of content I’ll create for this blog.

No, I’m not becoming a book blogger or a writing advice blog, but I’m borrowing some of the content ideas. For example:

  • I’ll be doing monthly wrap-ups of books I read, especially since I’m reading so much more thanks to audiobooks.
  • I’ll be sharing why I chose to self-publish my poetry.
  • I’ll be discussing how I’ve benefited from strategically connecting my day job to my author life.

But that’s not all. I’m also working on a series where I share and react to the incredibly bad story I wrote in middle school. It’s so bad it’s good and I hope you’ll get a kick out of it, too.

That’s it for now! Thanks for sticking with me!