Shoutout to Sapphic Book Club for Choosing Lest I Know Your Weakness for April’s Book of the Month

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Reviews are so incredibly important to authors and asking for them is like pulling teeth. So I’m deeply grateful to the members of Sapphic Book Club who have left wonderful, honest, and fair reviews after selecting Lest I Know Your Weakness as their April book of the month.

Of course, I need more. I always will. Every rating and recommendation helps increase my visibility among the sea of books out there. If you’ve read my book, add your thoughts among these reviewers’.

I know in Author Land™ it’s a cardinal sin to read Goodreads reviews, but I do because I have so few of them and honestly I’d like to pull some quotes for promotional posts. But the funniest thing I’ve seen is that one user added my book to a bookshelf called “harold,” which is full of wlw books.

Frankly, I might make a “harold” shelf myself.

Be sure to check out Sapphic Book Club on Tumblr. I’ve definitely bought books just from browsing their recommendations!