2020 Reading Wrap-Up: Everything I Read This Year

2020 was certainly a year, but one of my highlights is that I finally started taking my reading more seriously and became more open to different formats of reading because being an author who isn’t reading voraciously is kind of embarrassing. I had just gotten into audiobooks at the very beginning of this year and… Continue reading 2020 Reading Wrap-Up: Everything I Read This Year

What I Read in June 2020

My reading wrap-up post is late and I’ve only got three books to tell you about this month. My day job tasks have been such that I can’t listen to audiobooks while completing them, so that’s one reason why it’s taking me forever to read The Well of Ascension. I’m on my second borrow of… Continue reading What I Read in June 2020

What I Read in May 2020

Welcome to my first monthly reading wrap-up! In these posts, I’ll share quick thoughts about all the books I read in a given month. I post all of these to Instagram (@taylorrama) and some of them to Goodreads. For Alison by Andy Parker This is a difficult book, not because it’s bad (it’s not) but… Continue reading What I Read in May 2020

Goodreads Review–A Brief History of Theology

A Brief History of Theology: From the New Testament to Feminist Theology by Derek Johnston My rating: 4 of 5 stars In this book, Johnston presents an accessible and clear overview of dominant, Western Christian thought from Paul through 20th and 21st century thinkers. It’s a useful resource for those who are new to Christian… Continue reading Goodreads Review–A Brief History of Theology

Leaf & The Sky of Fire

One season after recruiting the giant beavers to build a dam on the flooded river, Leaf finds himself on the cusp of another journey. While he and his family are temporarily kicked out of their haven, he (quite literally) runs into a quirky bird and its somewhat loopy passenger–an old Twig from the North Forest.… Continue reading Leaf & The Sky of Fire

Leaf & The Rushing Waters:

Twigs are stick creatures that live in trees deep in the forest. They gather nuts, berries, blossoms, and other things that grow for their food and homes. Leaf is a young Twig who lives peacefully with his family in an old seeder tree, but when a massive flood suddenly changes the landscape of the forest,… Continue reading Leaf & The Rushing Waters: