I’m in another anthology: Ink by Queer Sci-Fi

I’m super stoked to announce that I’ve got a fantasy piece in this flash fiction anthology that’s out today! Check the press release below for more info and purchase links! It’s an honor to be part of this and to now officially be a published fantasy author. Queer Sci Fi’s annual flash fiction anthology is… Continue reading I’m in another anthology: Ink by Queer Sci-Fi

2020 Reading Wrap-Up: Everything I Read This Year

2020 was certainly a year, but one of my highlights is that I finally started taking my reading more seriously and became more open to different formats of reading because being an author who isn’t reading voraciously is kind of embarrassing. I had just gotten into audiobooks at the very beginning of this year and… Continue reading 2020 Reading Wrap-Up: Everything I Read This Year

October-November 2020 Reading Wrap-Up

I’m back to reading and here’s a summary of everything I finished in October and November! You can catch these posts on my Instagram @taylorrama. The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton My life is finally feeling more balanced after going through hell and now I’m back to reading! I would’ve finished this book a lot sooner… Continue reading October-November 2020 Reading Wrap-Up

What I Read in May 2020

Welcome to my first monthly reading wrap-up! In these posts, I’ll share quick thoughts about all the books I read in a given month. I post all of these to Instagram (@taylorrama) and some of them to Goodreads. For Alison by Andy Parker This is a difficult book, not because it’s bad (it’s not) but… Continue reading What I Read in May 2020

FDAD: A Multi-World Fantasy WIP Update #4 Finished!

I’ve finally had the satisfaction of writing the words “End of Book One.” July 13th, 11:30pm. It’s not the first time I’ve ever finished a draft, but it’s the first for a book of this length and it’s truly a completed draft–no boilerplate text for skipped sections. Once I made it to the penultimate battle,… Continue reading FDAD: A Multi-World Fantasy WIP Update #4 Finished!