Characters I Connect With: Elena Alvarez

Welcome to the first post in a new series called “Characters I Connect With,” where I reflect on characters who deeply resonate with my personality and/or experiences. Today, I’m reflecting on Elena Alvarez from One Day at a Time. This post contains spoilers through season 3. In general, this show feels like a weird AU… Continue reading Characters I Connect With: Elena Alvarez

Update: Encuentros Latinxs Podcast Featured in UCC National News

Last week, the United Church of Christ national website published a nice write-up about my new podcast. It’s an interview-style show sharing the stories and experiences of LGBTQ+ latinxs. Some of my favorite podcasts are these deep, one-on-one convos, and I modeled this show off of The JV Club with Janet Varney. It’s nice having… Continue reading Update: Encuentros Latinxs Podcast Featured in UCC National News

Orange is the New Black Season 2: Old Ladies, White Privilege, and the Black vs. Latinx Problem

The only reason why I didn’t marathon Orange is the New Black season 2 in a single weekend is the fact that I’m a working adult with other responsibilities and sleep is precious to me. That being said, I blew through it just like everyone else and like last season, the show continues to prove… Continue reading Orange is the New Black Season 2: Old Ladies, White Privilege, and the Black vs. Latinx Problem