Holy Week & Bethlehem, WV

Lent never fails to challenge me, even when my life is filled with blessings and I’m not in the mental place I’m usually in where I can truly sit in the solemnity of the season. I spent many years there, so perhaps my recent joys are God giving me a little break. For that, I’m… Continue reading Holy Week & Bethlehem, WV

The Tunes Behind “Forgive Us Our Trespasses”

Music is a huge influence for my writing. The songs and bands I listen to every day seep into my subconscious and work their way into my projects. This is especially true for my fiction–I have playlists in my iPod for several different projects. While creating the poems in Forgive Us Our Trespasses, I often… Continue reading The Tunes Behind “Forgive Us Our Trespasses”

Korra Alone: Denial from God and the Guilt of Spiritual Disconnect

Legend of Korra’s final season will perhaps give us the most compelling conflict yet, one that has been hinted at throughout the whole series but never fully explored: Korra’s struggle against herself and her Avatar duty of being connected to the spirits. Three years after the events of Book 3, Korra’s body had recovered, but… Continue reading Korra Alone: Denial from God and the Guilt of Spiritual Disconnect