Cutie Marks and Extending the Table

When My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic first aired, I noted how cutie marks represent both growing up and spiritual calling. Since then, the show has explored cutie marks in much greater depth. Wrapped up in cutie marks is all the bliss and anxiety about identity–when will I know what I’m supposed to do with… Continue reading Cutie Marks and Extending the Table

Comparing Matriarchies: My Little Pony and Steven Universe

Both My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Steven Universe present matriarchal societies in which women fulfill the most powerful roles in their worlds. In My Little Pony, it’s the alicorn princesses. In Steven Universe, it’s the Great Diamond Authority. Yet both of these matriarchies show vastly different applications of power. Equestria’s matriarchy is more… Continue reading Comparing Matriarchies: My Little Pony and Steven Universe

Tradition Tension: Your Hearthwarming Must be My Hearthwarming

A couple weeks ago, I shared some reflections about advent, the anxieties some Christians feel about its perceived secularization, and the reactions they have as a result of this sense of loss. I described how a strong faith with a minimal connection to the history of traditions can easily breed a perception that Christ must… Continue reading Tradition Tension: Your Hearthwarming Must be My Hearthwarming

Cutie Marks and Calling Redux: Finding Purpose in Loving the Enemy

About four years ago, I wrote my first analytical blog series about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Up until that point, I had almost exclusively written reviews because they were relatively easy to churn out and I could never think of any compelling analytical angle I could use to talk about what I watched… Continue reading Cutie Marks and Calling Redux: Finding Purpose in Loving the Enemy

My Little Pony: Diversity is Magic

It’s been a long time since I’ve last blogged exclusively about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but I’m catching up with the show again and was recently fascinated by the dystopian two-parter in which the Mane Six travel to a village in the far reaches of Equestria where the ponies who live there willingly give… Continue reading My Little Pony: Diversity is Magic