Update: Encuentros de Gracia y Bienvenida Pentecost Black Lives Matter video, Podcast episode 2

Hey, everyone! I’ve got a couple quick updates for you today. Fires of Pentecost, Protests, and Black Lives Matter Last week, several of us in Encuentros de Gracia y Bienvenida took to Facebook live to share messages about the protests and uprising against injustice and white supremacy in the United States. Watch the video below.… Continue reading Update: Encuentros de Gracia y Bienvenida Pentecost Black Lives Matter video, Podcast episode 2

Update: Encuentros Latinxs Podcast Featured in UCC National News

Last week, the United Church of Christ national website published a nice write-up about my new podcast. It’s an interview-style show sharing the stories and experiences of LGBTQ+ latinxs. Some of my favorite podcasts are these deep, one-on-one convos, and I modeled this show off of The JV Club with Janet Varney. It’s nice having… Continue reading Update: Encuentros Latinxs Podcast Featured in UCC National News

May Updates–Instagram, Podcast Announcement, New Content

I’m coming out of another quiet period and being more intentional about planning consistent content on here. I have dozens of reasons for my break, but over the past couple weeks, I’ve been planning and drafting new series and single posts! I’m excited to share them with you, but for now I have several updates.… Continue reading May Updates–Instagram, Podcast Announcement, New Content