Goodreads Review–Her Eternal Moonlight

Her Eternal Moonlight: Sailor Moon’s Female Fans In North America, An Unauthorized Examination by Steven Savage My rating: 4 of 5 stars I was one of the interviewees for this book, so I’ve known some of the details and findings for quite some time. Not only was it great to take part in such a… Continue reading Goodreads Review–Her Eternal Moonlight

Anime Challenge #1: Very First Anime You Watched

I’ve been busy over the last few months and that combined with writer’s block has made me ignore blogging for a while. To fix that, I’ve put together some light posts based on a 30 day anime challenge I came across a few months ago. I won’t be posting every day. Heck no. But I… Continue reading Anime Challenge #1: Very First Anime You Watched

Why Not Both? Femininity and Masculinity in Tenou Haruka

Only 90s kids remember this cute commercial from a couple years ago because only 90s kids remember anything. 90s kids especially remember Sailor Moon and all of the awkward things DiC did to hide the gays, but no amount of “cousinly affection” can hide the fact that Tenou Haruka, AKA Sailor Uranus embraces both masculinity… Continue reading Why Not Both? Femininity and Masculinity in Tenou Haruka

Lessons From Legend of Korra: The Fading Importance of Gran Gran Katara

Nickelodeon’s The Legend of Korra wavers between exciting and disappointing. The rocky first season left much to be desired both from a storytelling and pacing standpoint. Although season 2 is more put together, it’s clear that this show doesn’t have the excellent writing that its predecessor had. At least, not all the time and certainly… Continue reading Lessons From Legend of Korra: The Fading Importance of Gran Gran Katara

My Pink Wand and Skirts Make Me Strong: Sailor Moon and Feminine Feminism

 Sailor Moon is heralded as an iconic 90s anime and for good reason. Besides being an excellent super hero show, it encompasses everything awesome about “girl power.” It’s not just that the central characters are all female or that they all have shiny attacks that set things on fire or occasionally make them explode. It’s… Continue reading My Pink Wand and Skirts Make Me Strong: Sailor Moon and Feminine Feminism

Sailor Moon Returns in 2013: 3 hopes and dreams for the new series

According to Anime News Network, a new anime adaptation of Sailor Moon is set to air next summer. The only details released so far are that it won’t be a feature-length film and that Momoiro Clover Z, the group that created “Moonlight Densetsu,” will sing the opening for the new series. Rumor has it that this is… Continue reading Sailor Moon Returns in 2013: 3 hopes and dreams for the new series

Musical Attraction: Anime OPs and the Series They Represent (part 1)

The OP is often the first experience we have of an anime. It’s meant to ease us into the anime’s story and it usually tells us what kind of story we’re about to experience. From the video, we can glean major plot twists and guess how the characters are related to each other. The video… Continue reading Musical Attraction: Anime OPs and the Series They Represent (part 1)