Update: Encuentros Latinxs Podcast Featured in UCC National News

Last week, the United Church of Christ national website published a nice write-up about my new podcast. It’s an interview-style show sharing the stories and experiences of LGBTQ+ latinxs. Some of my favorite podcasts are these deep, one-on-one convos, and I modeled this show off of The JV Club with Janet Varney. It’s nice having… Continue reading Update: Encuentros Latinxs Podcast Featured in UCC National News

Apparently, I’m a “Weird Christian”?

A recent opinion piece in the New York Times gave some exposure to a Twitter subculture that enjoys open philosophical and theological discussions peppered with memes and dressed in a traditional aesthetic. “Weird Catholic Twitter,” as the article categorizes this group, is a collection of jaded millennials and Gen Zers who find authentic connections with… Continue reading Apparently, I’m a “Weird Christian”?

May Updates–Instagram, Podcast Announcement, New Content

I’m coming out of another quiet period and being more intentional about planning consistent content on here. I have dozens of reasons for my break, but over the past couple weeks, I’ve been planning and drafting new series and single posts! I’m excited to share them with you, but for now I have several updates.… Continue reading May Updates–Instagram, Podcast Announcement, New Content

UCC General Synod Resolution 8 and the Need for Church to not Mimic the World’s Polarization

What do progressive faith metaphors of a wide open table and a tent for everyone actually mean? If we take that call seriously, who are we compelled to let in and how does that break the “purity” of progressivism we often like to maintain? As a delegate to this year’s General Synod of the United… Continue reading UCC General Synod Resolution 8 and the Need for Church to not Mimic the World’s Polarization

Forgive Us Our Trespasses UMC response

Every time the major church denominations increase their corruption or marginalization of certain groups of people, all churches feel the fallout. The combination of harmful doctrine with a largely unchurched public means that to the average person, what happens in the Catholic church or the United Methodist Church might as well be true of the… Continue reading Forgive Us Our Trespasses UMC response

The City of God is Made of Intersections: Reflections on the ONA Coalition Gathering and General Synod

Intersectionality is growing as the preferred approach to unpack identity and justice. I heard the Church discuss this term much more than I expected during the Open and Affirming Coalition gathering and General Synod. The United Church of Christ’s Open and Affirming (ONA) movement is celebrating 45 years of diligent work to change the Church… Continue reading The City of God is Made of Intersections: Reflections on the ONA Coalition Gathering and General Synod

My Church’s Witness: United Church of Christ Joins #BoycottWendys Movement

Every two years, the United Church of Christ gathers for General Synod, where church members from all over the country come together to worship, learn, complete acts of service and sometimes civil disobedience, and vote on resolutions concerning social justice issues and the church’s operations. This year was my second General Synod and my first… Continue reading My Church’s Witness: United Church of Christ Joins #BoycottWendys Movement