FDAD: A Multi-World Fantasy WIP Update #4 Finished!

I’ve finally had the satisfaction of writing the words “End of Book One.” July 13th, 11:30pm. It’s not the first time I’ve ever finished a draft, but it’s the first for a book of this length and it’s truly a completed draft–no boilerplate text for skipped sections. Once I made it to the penultimate battle,… Continue reading FDAD: A Multi-World Fantasy WIP Update #4 Finished!

FDAD: A Multi-World Fantasy WIP Update #3

Today (the day that I’m writing this, not the day this publishes) is a special day. I’ve reached a major milestone in this book and it’s exhilarating. 100,000 words. This is the longest continuous thing I’ve written (I actually passed that particular milestone about 15,000 words ago, but let me have this). I will finish… Continue reading FDAD: A Multi-World Fantasy WIP Update #3