What I Read in June 2020

My reading wrap-up post is late and I’ve only got three books to tell you about this month. My day job tasks have been such that I can’t listen to audiobooks while completing them, so that’s one reason why it’s taking me forever to read The Well of Ascension. I’m on my second borrow of… Continue reading What I Read in June 2020

Shoutout to Sapphic Book Club for Choosing Lest I Know Your Weakness for April’s Book of the Month

Reviews are so incredibly important to authors and asking for them is like pulling teeth. So I’m deeply grateful to the members of Sapphic Book Club who have left wonderful, honest, and fair reviews after selecting Lest I Know Your Weakness as their April book of the month. Of course, I need more. I always… Continue reading Shoutout to Sapphic Book Club for Choosing Lest I Know Your Weakness for April’s Book of the Month