Hey Authors, Prep For Your Public Speaking Spots

A couple months ago, I got a five minute spot on a UK radio station to talk about my books. This station was taking anyone and everyone who reached out to them, but even so, it was a marketing opportunity that I took seriously. The hosts sent out a list of five or so simple… Continue reading Hey Authors, Prep For Your Public Speaking Spots

Early Cringe Writing: My Awful Middle School Book Ch. 1

Writing unreadable garbage is a rite of passage that all writers undergo as we grow in our craft. I was blessed with my early cringe writing intersecting with the cringiest stage of my life: middle school. Yet some of my garbage has aged like fine wine. So, I’m launching this blog series revisiting and reacting… Continue reading Early Cringe Writing: My Awful Middle School Book Ch. 1

May Updates–Instagram, Podcast Announcement, New Content

I’m coming out of another quiet period and being more intentional about planning consistent content on here. I have dozens of reasons for my break, but over the past couple weeks, I’ve been planning and drafting new series and single posts! I’m excited to share them with you, but for now I have several updates.… Continue reading May Updates–Instagram, Podcast Announcement, New Content

Why Writers Need to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

I’ve been sitting on making this post for a long time because there are a million ways to approach it and a million more things I want to say about it, but now I’ve finally got some coherent, focused thoughts. Although the finite details of a healthy lifestyle may look different for everyone, I think… Continue reading Why Writers Need to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

FDAD: A Multi-World Fantasy WIP Update #4 Finished!

I’ve finally had the satisfaction of writing the words “End of Book One.” July 13th, 11:30pm. It’s not the first time I’ve ever finished a draft, but it’s the first for a book of this length and it’s truly a completed draft–no boilerplate text for skipped sections. Once I made it to the penultimate battle,… Continue reading FDAD: A Multi-World Fantasy WIP Update #4 Finished!

FDAD: A Multi-World Fantasy WIP Update #3

Today (the day that I’m writing this, not the day this publishes) is a special day. I’ve reached a major milestone in this book and it’s exhilarating. 100,000 words. This is the longest continuous thing I’ve written (I actually passed that particular milestone about 15,000 words ago, but let me have this). I will finish… Continue reading FDAD: A Multi-World Fantasy WIP Update #3

FDAD: A Multi-world Fantasy WIP update 1

If you follow me on Twitter, you might’ve seen me answering writing questions about my WIP and attempting to find gifs that summarize my characters for those get-to-know-you threads that people create. Well, this WIP’s codename FDAD. I will not tell you what it stands for. It’s a multiverse and, in many ways, my love… Continue reading FDAD: A Multi-world Fantasy WIP update 1

3 Writing Lesson from Martial Arts Training

One of the several activities that has kept me busy over the last few months is the kung fu and tai chi classes I’ve been taking. Martial arts is currently my only form of exercise; I train hard and feel physically healthier than I have been my whole life. I had many reasons for deciding… Continue reading 3 Writing Lesson from Martial Arts Training