Well, look who got tagged for a neato blog award.



I don’t ever have occasion to make posts like this, but Jeanette S Andersen has passed this along to me and I am forever thankful. How nice and wonderful! I feel like a slightly more important person on the internet now that I can display this cute badge on my blog.

As per the rules, I now have to give 7 random facts about myself. Trust me, they’re gonna be pretty random.

1) I love insulting my dog when I’m home alone

I can’t be the only person who does this. Do you know how fun it is to don your cute voice and say the most vile things to your pets only to watch them wag their tails in pure bliss? So fun. It’s hilarious and it won’t stop being hilarious for a long time.

2) I hate mushrooms with the passion of 1,000 flaming suns

Nothing bothers me more than walking around my yard and seeing giant mushrooms everywhere. Their mere existence throws me into a fit of blind rage equivalent to the Hulk’s. If I’m wearing shoes, I kick those mushrooms so hard that they’d be idiots to try and grow back. You know what’s cool about going to bed at night with a clean yard and waking up the next morning to a herd of mushrooms in your grass? Nothing. These mushrooms are RUDE and they deserve a smashing death.

3) Despite my nerdery (just made that up. I’m cool), I’m really into a couple mainstream things like the Olympics and the Oscars

I typically hate sports. There’s not much that interests me about men chasing balls in a variety of outfits with different rules for each context. That’s what most televised and popular sports are. The Olympics is a break from that because we get to see stuff on TV that we don’t normally see. Plus, there’s generally a more equal representation of race, gender, and all that good stuff. That doesn’t mean NBC is without its problems in the way it feeds us Americans the Olympics, but at least it’s a break from the norm. Also, when we get the winter Olympics, we get Curling, which is literally the best sport in the entire world.

As for the Oscars, I’ve become a bit more of a film buff over the past couple years, but only a bit. I watched almost every summer movie back in 2010, so when the 2011 Oscars came around, I actually had opinions and feelings about the awards. Plus, a couple of my good friends in college were very much into the Oscars and watching the show with them was a blast. That being said, I haven’t been able to see every major film in the past year (I’m still missing out on Brave and The Dark Knight), but thanks to a 4-year English degree, I can analyze just about anything and form an educated opinion about it.

4) The Facts of Life is my favorite 70s/80s sitcom

I cannot overemphasize how much I love this show and how it was a good 30% of my childhood. In 5th grade, I was obsessed and I’m still not sorry about it. If you don’t know what The Facts of Life is, look it up and thank me later.

5) I’ve been as far east as China, but never farther west than Wisconsin

6) I’ve been playing guitar for 8 years

7) I’ve been on the local news before

There you have it! 7 fun facts. I’m supposed to tag 15 people to pass this on to, but honestly, I don’t think I even follow 15 blogs (I’m lame, I know).

Oh, and on a slightly unrelated note, my recent inactivity has been due to starting my new job and needing to adjust a little to not having all the time in the world to derp around on the internet anymore.